Tuesday 04/06/13 3:11pm
@NandosUK #nandos LIVERPOOL ONE w/ @outfitofficial
Chicken Pitta extra hot
Soft Drink
½ Chicken extra hot FREE
PLACE: Table 35. This year’s first Nando’s outside of London. Liverpool is a city famous for it’s indecipherable accent, drug people and slags but when I arrived, I was pleasantly by how far it exceeded my expectations. I mean, I was expecting the sophistication of Pyongyang but what I got was something more akin to a poor man’s Chelmsford. For example, Nando’s is in a shopping arcade called L1 (or “El Juan” as they say in South America) and it actually looks quite modern. It even has an escalator to take you to the front door, which is incredible for a city that only got electricity three years ago. They even have an airblade. I spotted a sign saying “WE CURRENTLY HAVE NO CAKES DUE TO ONGOING BUILDING WORK”, which made me wonder what they build stuff out of in Liverpool. The actual eating area is a hyperstraunt that might be nearly as big as Stratford. It was a bit characterless but I don’t think that matters to the people of the North- 6/10
SERVICE: Host- Shannon. DAMN, she was from down south. I was really looking forward to getting some of that special Liverpool service but instead all I got was a normal. She was lovely though- 7/10
FOOD: Woah, how come Liverpool get’s all the spice?! What an amazingly generous sauce portion (sortion). Olives were good and the half was juicy and sizzling. A Nando’s that I was happy for my newcomers to eat- 8/10
COMPANION: While in Liverpool I shot a music video for Outfit for the song “I Want What’s Best”. I dined with 2 members of the band, both of which had only been to Nando’s less than 2 times, so I really “Wanted What’s Best” to convince them that Nando’s is incredible. That’s why I splashed out and ordered the mixed olives. I feel an affinity with musicians as it takes a lot of intrepidness to jump into a career that never guarantees money even after you make it. That’s how I feel about my Nando’s career, no matter how much I try to convince people that it is a viable path for me to take, nobody comprehends how spending money in casual-dining restaurants rather than earning it, compensates for real employment. The parallels with being in a band are undeniable. Tom and Andrew also went extra hot on my recommendation which earns them 1 extra point- 8/10